Tag Archives: maternity skirt

Busy Babe Projects

11 May

Upcycled Ruffled Tank Tops.

I’ve been busy sewing up some baby / little girl things the last few days.  (Not to mention that my internet has been down for days, again!)  I’m going to post pictures (by the way, Becki, could you send me one or two pics of Reegs modeling for me?  I didn’t get a before and after pic.)

I made a purse and dress out of a maternity skirt.  It was my goal to not throw anything away, and well, I’d give myself an A since all I threw out was a few scraps where I evened out my edges when cutting.  It was a fun challenge during naptime on Saturday.  It was one of those things that I decided at the beginning if I made a mistake I would do a quick fix and move on.  I actually really liked how it turned out and shipped it to a friend.

I made another dress out of a tank top.   Again, I don’t have a before picture, but I’ll post the finished products.  I’ll write about it tomorrow when I get my camera out. Look at the picture above and you can see that I took 1 light blue tank and made a dress (right) and then took the bottom part of the tank and made the ruffles for the tank on the left.  Now, I better get going on the household chores before little one wakes up!  That and the white chicken chili I’m going to make since it feels like October here in Michigan today.  Oh, and I have another pattern review I’ll be posting on a girlie tunic.  Stay Tuned!  I’ll be back soon.